There is an important WordPress security update 4.9.7. This is a security and maintenance release and we strongly encourage you to update. The previous versions of WordPress are affected by a security issue with the potential to allow unwanted users access to remove files.
In addition to resolving the security issue, seventeen other bugs were fixed in WordPress 4.9.7:
- Taxonomy: Improve cache handling for term queries.
- Posts, Post Types: Clear post password cookie when logging out.
- Widgets: Allow basic HTML tags in sidebar descriptions on Widgets admin screen.
- Community Events Dashboard: Always show the nearest WordCamp if one is coming up, even if there are multiple Meetups happening first.
- Privacy: Make sure default privacy policy content does not cause a fatal error when flushing rewrite rules outside of the admin context.
Update to WordPress
We support this recent security update and encourage all WordPress users to do the same. Whether you are a designer, developer, editor or contributor all will benefit with an update to WordPress. You can read about the security vulnerability over at WordPress.
Not sure how to update WordPress? We are here to help answer your questions.
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