The internet is constantly changing. It is the nature of the beast. The internet’s structure is built to constantly grow and change as over 3 billion people interact with it every day. Although that change includes new technology to make the internet safer and easier to access, there will always be risks. That is why successful businesses understand the basics of website security and SSL.
Website Security
Google’s website browser, Chrome highlights any “not secure” website, as Google blacklists over 50,000 websites each week because of security issues. Google and other organizations like Let’s Encrypt are leading an effort to increase awareness and make website security a standard for anyone who owns or accesses a website.
Hackers use software tools to search the internet for websites that are not secure. These websites make it easier to pull information or spam for malicious activity. A business that understands SSL and website security minimizes these risks. No matter the size of the business or what information is on a company website it is important for businesses to understand the basics of website security and SSL to keep user’s information safe.
What Is SSL Exactly?
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a best practice for business website security as it encrypts information between the server that hosts the website files and an individual’s internet browser. A company needs to know how to identify if an SSL certificate is present.
Look at the address bar at the top of the browser to see this website’s secure lock next to the address. This proves two things: first, owns an SSL certificate which makes the website’s information encrypted and second, any information provided, from IP address to contact information, will be encrypted as well.
Browsing a website that has an SSL certificate provides peace of mind to everyone. Its important to understand that any business website should have an SSL certificate installed so that users can share this peace of mind. When a company is selecting an SSL certificate its helpful to know the different types of certificates as well as the importance of having a reliable hosting company that can provide you with the certificate.
Domain Validated SSL Certificate
Domain Validated (DV SSL Certificates) do exactly what they are called; validate the company’s domain name. A DV SSL Certificate is most common when installing a certificate because it requires minimal information to activate.
Organization Validation SSL Certificate
Organization Validation (OV SSL Certificates) validate the domain as well as the organization that owns the domain. These certificates do require documentation in order to obtain a Certificate Authority. A Certificate Authority will certify that the organization is legitimate.
Extended Validation SSL Certificates
Similar to OV SSL, Extended Validation (EV SSL Certificates) still validate the company’s domain and do require documentation for a Certificate Authority to validate the organization. The additional documentation provides an extension to the certificate showing more information as to the organization’s ownership of the certificate.
Which SSL certificate is the right one for your business? All three certificates offer the same level of protection. The overall difference is the paper work that is required between the OV and EV SSL Certificates. There are also third-parties that may require a certain level of security depending on the business and information that is provided on the website.
Hosting, Firewall And Website Security
In addition to SSL certificates, there are advancements in hosting, firewalls and handling data so that user information and website data are protected. A reliable hosting company will provide all the information necessary to keep a company’s information safe and their users safer. Most hosting companies provide a firewall as a line of defense for unwanted traffic. There are also best practices for handling sensitive data such as personal and financial information.
Website security is a priority for a successful business. That is why MoDuet provides SSL certificates as a standard for all new hosting accounts. If you have questions about your company’s current hosting situation or how MoDuet can help your business move into a secured environment we are here to help.
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